The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, stunned the world into looking at the issue of security much more seriously. No longer is supply chain security just about controlling theft - the supply chain can be made use of by terrorists and other undesirable elements. In this comprehensive guide for practitioners to the best practices in safety and security, you will learn how to prevent such undesirable elements from exploiting weakness in any of the links in your supply chain . This book provides extensive insights into the subject of safety and security, and is a good quick read for anyone trying to come to grips with one of the greatest challenges of our times.
The Practitioner's Definitive Guide: Safety And Security leaves no stones unturned on the issue of supply chain security. The tips are very practical and the "must-get-it-rights" are clearly signposted. It includes a discussion on the nature of terrorism, counterterrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
This book encompasses topics such as:
The Practitioner's Definitive Guide: Safety And Security leaves no stones unturned on the issue of supply chain security. The tips are very practical and the "must-get-it-rights" are clearly signposted. It includes a discussion on the nature of terrorism, counterterrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
This book encompasses topics such as:
- International, national and industry security initiatives
- Personnel security and pre-employment screening
- Documentation processing and procedural security
- Cargo and conveyance security
- Incident management
- Managing investigation
- Emergency management
- Security education and training
Commissioned by the Singapore Logistics Association, The Practitioner's Definitive Guide: Safety And Security is the ideal reference or textbook for the practitioner, student and layperson.Warehouse management system.
Captain Andre Khir
227mm x 152mm